When Endoscopy is Required?

Your GP will determine if a specialist consultation is needed.  The specialist, called a Gastroenterologist, will then determine if an Endoscopy (upper Gastroscopy or Colonoscopy) is required. Your GP's decision to refer you to a Gastroenterologist may be based on a number of factors such as your age, your family history, or current stomach problems you may be experiencing. 

These may include

  • Stomach pain
  • Possible acid reflux
  • Bleeding in the gastro intestinal tract
  • Possible ulcers
  • Pain or difficulty swallowing
  • Diarrhoea
  • Cramping
  • Bloating

Specialist can provide both consulting and endoscopic services to discuss and explore the appropriate investigations and treatment. Patients referred through open access directly for endoscopic procedures and opt to visit and consult with the specialist first if they wish. In patients where abnormalities are detected during their investigations and work up, the specialist will arrange to appropriate treatment and necessary follow up with close communication with the referring doctor or team.